
「Malevos」(瑪叻沃斯) 一字源自於 淪法多語 ( Lunfardo ) , 十九世紀後期下層布宜諾斯艾利斯開發了一個老的方言,並且被認為是探戈的語言;Malevos 此一字具有很強的阿根廷探戈根源,並出現在許多探戈歌詞之中。意指那些經常出入在如 La Boca 等探戈街區 ,經常在酒吧和探戈舞會裡往返的圍事或保標,他們總是優雅打扮的,靈魂中充滿了探戈,酒精和女人。


Felipe Hsieh

(菲力珮.謝) 是亞洲探戈圈內為人知悉與認同的資深舞者與導師,研習阿根廷探戈近20年,被其舞蹈、音樂和文化深深吸引,視其為終身的志業。早年除了跟從當代最重要的阿根廷探戈舞者們如Toto Faraldo,Miguel Zotto,Geraldine Rojas,Lorena Ermocida,Leandro Paulu,Fabian Peralta,Pancho,Alejandro Aquino,Natalia Hills等人的身上學習與啟發以外,其最受影響的老師是 Javier Rodriguez,Andrea Missé,Sebastian Missé和Andrea Reyero。自2006年起,他已經在佩魯賈(意大利)、布宜諾斯艾利斯(阿根廷)、悉尼(澳大利亞)、莫斯科(俄羅斯)、首爾(韓國),胡志明市(越南)、吉隆坡(馬來西亞),中國上海、北京、香港,還有台北及台灣各個城市教授和演出探戈。他也曾在電視節目,商業廣告,舞台劇中進行探戈表演,並曾擔任音樂影片mv中的探戈舞指導。除探戈以外,Felipe也是一位富有創造力的設計師。在全職探戈之前,他已從事產品設計多年,並曾榮獲德國IF設計獎。他的動畫作品“蜘蛛人探戈”在探戈社群取得了巨大的迴響,並被邀請成為2013年LGBT電影節的開場電影之一。憑藉其工程和設計背景,他在2014年開始推出了同名品牌探戈鞋“FELIPE.H”。此外,他也創造出一套探戈舞譜系統,於2018年發表出書成冊:「INITIAL TANGO - 探戈表意文字書寫系統」,以及2020年「TANGOGOOK - 經典探戈舞譜」,於亞馬遜網站上銷售。

Sandra Mok

於2004年在美國芝加哥大學讀書時開始了阿根廷探戈。自從她年輕的時候受過音樂訓練中的探戈音樂,加上是游泳健將和運動員,阿根廷探戈自然而然地來到她身邊。她對探戈的熱情促使她自2008年以來四次訪問布宜諾斯艾利斯,每次訪問都為舞蹈帶來了新的見解,感受和理解。她與阿根廷探戈傳奇人物Javier Rodriguez和Andrea Misse以及Sebastian Misse和Andrea Reyero密切合作。她經常被邀請到台北,香港,首爾,悉尼和上海演出。她分別在香港聯合創辦了“Las Chinitas”和“La Bruja”,通過組織探戈工作坊和舞會來推廣探戈及其文化。 2010年2月,她辭去了公司銀行家的工作,全身心投入探戈。同年,她還推出了自己的手工探戈服裝系列“Sandrini”,該系列在亞洲的tangueras中非常受歡迎。

Felipe y Sandra Tango major experiences


MAY - Show in 10th Seoul Tango Festival, Seoul, Korea

APR - Interview on TV program "拉近文化" I-cable TV, Hong Kong

MAR - Show in Gala night of Sebastian Jimenez y Joanna, Danzstage, Hong Kong


JUL - Tango Show "Tango Time", Eslite Performance Hall, Taipei

MAY - Show for Civi Party 11th Year

MAR - Gala Night for HK Intensive Tanguera Week with Stella Misse

JAN - Tango Show for Centaline Charity Run Carnival 2017, The Square, HKSP


DEC - New Year's Eve dinner show at Buenos Aires Polo Club, Central, Hong Kong

NOV - "Milonga Danza Maglina", Gala night milonga of Javier Rodriguez Workshop (Sandra & Javier )

NOV - "Tango Apasionado" Concert at Sheung Wan Civic Centre, Hong Kong

OCT - Tango Show for the Opening Ceremony of the Latin American Pavilion of 21th Macau International Trade & Investment Fair*, The Venetian, Macau

OCT - Russia Tango Congress International Dancers Performance, Moscow

SEP - "Our Last Tango" Movie screening Pre-show Performance, Broadway Cinematique, HK

SEP - Tango Show for Argentine Dinner, International Culinary Institute, Hong Kong

AUG - MOViE MOViE "Life is Art" Pop-up Mini Fest Workshop and Performance, PMQ, HK

JUN - Qatar Airways 10th Anniversary Gala Dinner, HK

MAY - Vinexpo*, HKECE, Hong Kong

MAY - Qatar Airways 10th Anniversary celebration street performance, Hong Kong

MAY - Gala Night for HK Intensive Tanguera Week with Stella Misse, Hong Kong


DEC - Promotion programme and Showcase of community dance, Shatin Arts and Culture, Promotion Committee, Sha Tin Town Hall Plaza, Hong Kong

NOV - Grand milonga of Javier Rodriguez HK Workshop (Sandra & Javier), Hong Kong

NOV - Entertainment for Argentine Dinner, International Culinary Institute, Hong Kong

JUN - "Alfa Romeo 4C" launch ceremony, Hong Kong

JUN - Opening of LoveU Milonga, Hong Kong University, HK

APR - Grand Spring Milonga with Argentine maestros Carlos Rivarola y Gladys Fernandez by Tangotang, the Mariner's Club, TST, HK

FEB - "Tango with Western District" at Orange Peel, Hong Kong


DEC - Rotary Club Hong Kong Annual Ball, Hong Kong

NOV - Performers for Argentine Tango Festival at Kee Club

NOV - Tango workshop for Tango Argentino Macau Club, Macau

OCT - Dancers and actors in "Rose Love Letters" by Prospects Theatre, Hong Kong

SEP - Asia Fruit Logistica*, Asia-World Expo, HK

SEP - Asia Seafood Expo*, HKECE, HK

MAR - Tango Workshop at Corazon Tango, Taipei


DEC - Major Artist at Saigon Tango Festival, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

DEC - Performers at HKCCC New Years Eve Ball, HK

NOV - Performers for Private Wine tasting party, HK

NOV - HK International Wine & Spirit Fair* , HKECE

OCT - 18th Macau International Fair* @ The Venetian, Macau.

SEP - 1st Haikou International Youth Experimental Arts Festival, Hainan, China

SEP - Asia Fruit Logistica*, Asia-World Expo, HK

SEP - Asia Seafood Expo*, HKECE

MAY - Food and Wine Expo*, HKECE

MAY - International Dancers Show, Seoul Tango Festival, South Korea

MAR - Live dancers for "Waltz meet Tango", Concert by Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra, HK

MAR - Performer for Restaurant's "Argentine Month" special menu promotion*, HK

FEB - Teacher and performer for 24hr One Billion Rising V-Day Dance-a-thon, TST, HK

JAN - Performer for Shik Shak Shok @ Y-theater, Hong Kong


DEC - 20th Anniversary party for Annabelle Studio HK

NOV - Welcome Milonga of 2012 Hong Kong Tango Festival

OCT - Opening show for 17th Macau International Trade & Investment Fair*, The Venetian, Macau.

AUG - "Tango Passion Night", Tangotang, Hong Kong

AUG - 68th Fall/Winter Wedding Expo (Belgium Diamond House) @ HKCEC

JUL - HTM 2nd Anniversary, Hong Kong

JUN - 2nd BeiJing International Tango Weekend, Beijing

MAY - International Dancers Show, Seoul Tango Festival

APR - Arts Interim Programme, The Harbour School, Hong Kong

MAR - Workshop and show, Corazon, Taipei

MAR - Tango Workshop, El Bulin, Seoul

MAR - Tango Workshop, Taichung

FEB - "Forever Romance with Art and Music" concert, Museum of Art, Hong Kong

JAN - "la prairie" product launch party, Hong Kong


NOV - Dily's 20th Anniversary, Hong Kong

OCY - Shanghai Tango Festival Asia Milonga, Shanghai

SEP - Sydney Tango Salon Festival International Milonga, Sydney

JUL - Masa Loft Milonga, Tainan

JUN - Corazon Taipei Tango 1st Anniversary Milonga

MAY - National Taiwan University Student Milonga, Taipei

APR - Andres & Isabel Workshop Grand Milonga, American Club, Taipei


DEC - New years Eve Milonga, Tanguisimo, Taipei

DEC - National Taipei University Student Milonga, Taipei

OCT - Milonga Sentimental, Hong Kong

OCT - CTV Variety Big Brother TV Show, Taipei

AUG - Living Mall 5th Dance Extravaganza, Living Mall, Taipei

JUL - 1st Taipei Tango Weekend, Corazon, Taipei

MAY - Milonga Esencia 3rd Anniversary Celebration, Taipei

JAN - Milonga Esencia, Taipei


DEC - Tango dance direcgtor for pop music video (方大同/黑白)

NOV - 1st Seoul Milongueando , El Bulin, Seoul

OCT - Milonga Las Chinitas, Hong Kong

MAY - Tango Tang 10th Anniversary Poolside Milonga, Hong Kong


SEP - Danshui MRT Dance Summit "Tango, Tan-go", Taipei

JUN - Sunday Night Milonga, Orange Feather Studio, Taipei

*Performances invited by the Argentine Consulate in Hong Kong


Javier Rodriguez

哈維爾.羅德里格茲 是世界上最具影響力的阿根廷探戈教師之一,在國際節日和工作坊中備受追捧,是世界探戈錦標賽總決賽的常任評委之一。 他對2003年首次訪問亞洲探戈舞台並不陌生,是台北探戈節和首爾探戈節的主要大師之一。他與已故的合作夥伴的安德烈·米塞,在培養傳統探戈環境方面發揮了巨大影響,正如我們今天在許多亞洲城市所看到的那樣,介紹了舞會裡點頭邀舞的,並在各區域培養出一些最好的舞者。他以優雅和音樂舞蹈而聞名,並且能夠讓學生以更深刻的方式感受探戈。 許多人在他的課堂之後,無論是技巧上還是精神上,都有感受到的啟發和改變。 Javier Rodriguez 香港探戈研習營通常每年11月舉辦。

Sebastian Missé and Andrea Reyero

are a rare species in the Tango world, being dancers who grew up with tango from an early age, during a time when the greatest tango dancers from the golden age of tango still graced the milongas. They were among a very small group of children during that time who learnt directly from the legendary tango figures, and have inherited from them the techniques and knowledge that have made them one of the very few dancers of their generation who are able to master the dance at such a high level. Sebastian is from the famous Missé tango family. His greatest influence was from Migueland Osvaldo Zotto, and one of the greatest tango dancers and innovators in history, Antonio Todaro. Sebastian met Andrea Reyero at the age of 14, who was already an accomplished tanguera, having learnt from celebrated salon dancers like Alberto Villarrazo, "Pupy" Castello, "Toto" Faraldo and others. They have danced and taught together for over 20 years, and are now one of the most acclaimed and reputable Argentine Tango dancers and teachers in the world. They come to give workshop in Hong Kong every July.

Sebastian Missé and Andrea Reyero
塞巴斯蒂安.米謝 和 安德莉雅.雷雪洛 是現今探戈世界中的稀有種,從小就開始學習探戈,且與歷經探戈的黃金時代最偉大的探戈舞者們共度舞會時光。在那段時間裡,他們是一群直接從傳奇的探戈人物中學習的小孩子們,並從他們那裡繼承了技術與知識,成為他們當代能夠掌握探戈舞蹈精髓高水平的極少數舞者之一。Sebastian來自著名的Missé探戈家族。他最大的影響力來自 Miguel 與 Osvaldo Zotto,以及歷史上最偉大的探戈舞者和創新者之一Antonio Todaro。Sebastian在14歲時遇到了Andrea Reyero,他已經是一位有成就的探戈,從 Alberto Villarrazo,“Pupy”Castello,“Toto”Faraldo等著名沙龍舞者那裡學到了東西。他們一起跳舞和教學超過20年,是現今世上最受好評和聲譽卓著的阿根廷探戈舞者,教師,更是許多專業舞者老師的老師之一。 香港探戈研習營通常每年7月舉辦。